sabato 28 luglio 2012

Salvatore D'Angelo

Trastevere anni '90, non era difficile, passeggiando per i vicoli del tredicesimo Rione, imbattersi in un arzillo signore anziano che strillava cose apparentemente insensate e scriveva sui muri con dei pennarelli ad alcool a punta tonda. Una volta a Via del Moro stava lì come al solito a scarabocchiare su un muro con accanto un negoziante arrabbiato perchè gli aveva rubato un pennarello dalla cartoleria. Pochi minuti dopo arrivò una volante della polizia ma c'era ben poco da fare, il buon Salvatore si mise ad insultare anche gli agenti, che dopo due chiacchiere col negoziante, risalirono in macchina e se ne andarono. Lo conoscevano tutti a Trastevere, ma sopratutto tutti conoscevano le sue scritte, "medici assassini...a morte le suore...preti pedofili..." 

Trastevere, 1998.
Trastevere, 1998.
"Denuncio alla società..." Trastevere, 1998.
Capitava che i writers gli regalassero dei pennarelli perchè erano forse fra le poche persone che leggendo le sue scritte erano riusciti a capire il suo dramma e la maniera in cui si esprimeva. Aveva un modo tutto suo di riempire gli spazi sulle pareti, e i writers avevano un certo rispetto delle sue cose, evitando di scriverci sopra.

Ciao Salvatore!

Piazza di S. Apollonia, 1998.

Via della Renella, 1998.


Salvatore D'Angelo

Trastevere neighborhood in the 1990's: strolling down the alleys of the thirteenth district, it was not rare to bump into a lively old man who yelled apparently senseless things and wrote on the walls with felt tip markers. Once, in Via del Moro he was writing on walls as usual, and next to him an angry shop owner he had stolen the marker from. A few minutes later a police car arrived, and the good ol' Salvatore started insulting the policemen as well, who after exchanging a few words with the shop owner, got back in the car and left. Everybody knew him in Trastevere, but most importantly, everybody knew his markings on the walls, "doctors are assassins...death to nuns...pedophile priests..."

Trastevere, 1998.

Trastevere, 1998.
"Denunciation against society". Trastevere, 1998.

Graffiti writers used to give him markers to write with, probably because they were the only people who by reading his scrawlings had really understood his tragic condition and manner of expressing himself. He had a very personal way of filling up the space on the walls, and writers had a certain respect for his stuff, and avoided writing over it.

Ciao Salvatore!

Piazza di S. Apollonia, Trastevere, 1998.

Via della Renella, Trastevere. 1998.

Trastevere, the old Salvatore died. Salvatore the "crazy" guy from Trastevere has died. For years he covered all the walls of the neighborhood with his black magic marker scrawlings, taking it out on police, doctors, women. Salvatore D'Angelo, 72 years old, was arrested for various thefts when he was young, and was later locked up in the criminal asylum of Aversa where he received too many electro-shocks. He squalled and wrote on walls in Trastevere, but he never hurt anyone. Source:

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