Una sera, mi sembra ad inizio settimana, prendiamo una delle ultime corse in programma e dai finestrini la vediamo parcheggiata lì, nel tunnel, tutta bella pulita. Ci sbrighiamo e una volta arrivati sopra il tombino qualcosa non va. Aperto.
Da sotto rumore di bombolette, poi voci e odore di spray.
Da sotto rumore di bombolette, poi voci e odore di spray.
Scendiamo in due e facciamo capoccella, ricordo che c'era Gis che stava facendo il frontale e si intravedevano almeno altre 3 persone. Risalimmo per decidere il da farsi anche con gli altri. Chi voleva dipingere, chi no, chi ebbe la brillante idea di voler lasciare una Ceres con una rosa sopra al tombino.
Non facemmo nulla di tutto ciò. Aspettammo.
Non facemmo nulla di tutto ciò. Aspettammo.
Quella notte TRV, NSA, ZTK, e PAC bombarono quella metro da cima a fondo.
Dopo scendemmo comunque ma dal tunnel un omino in divisa ci urlò contro e dovemmo andarcene ma non credo avremmo trovato lo spazio per dipingere. Un bello sgarbo per la società della Metropolitana. Per noi roba di tempistiche. Quella notte particolarmente, ero ad un passo dal dipingere sulla linea B.
La settimana dopo volemmo tornarci, ma andò diversamente. Passammo minuti interminabili appizzati, con guardie che ci cercavano con torcia e pistola, sapevano della nostra presenza, ma aspettavano qualcun'altro.
Dopo scendemmo comunque ma dal tunnel un omino in divisa ci urlò contro e dovemmo andarcene ma non credo avremmo trovato lo spazio per dipingere. Un bello sgarbo per la società della Metropolitana. Per noi roba di tempistiche. Quella notte particolarmente, ero ad un passo dal dipingere sulla linea B.
La settimana dopo volemmo tornarci, ma andò diversamente. Passammo minuti interminabili appizzati, con guardie che ci cercavano con torcia e pistola, sapevano della nostra presenza, ma aspettavano qualcun'altro.
So' andato molte volte, in vari orari, anche in yard.
In sostanza non ho mai dipinto una metro qui a Roma. E' chiaro che per chi fa graffiti per vocazione, è una pecca non vedere le proprie lettere girare in gran parte nel sotto-terra della tua città. Per adesso so' contento del fatto di avere inciso più volte il nome sull'anello che la circonda.
p.s. ...Del tempo dopo aver scritto queste parole...
Famous last words...
One evening, I think it was the beginning of the week, we took one of the last trains to check out a train parked in the dark tunnel, it was clean. We hurried up and once above the manhole something was wrong, it was open.
p.s. ...Del tempo dopo aver scritto queste parole...
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Throwup Jn ZTK e See HB. Linea lido. |
Famous last words...
One evening, I think it was the beginning of the week, we took one of the last trains to check out a train parked in the dark tunnel, it was clean. We hurried up and once above the manhole something was wrong, it was open.
From below we could hear the sound of cans, voices and the smell of paint.
Two of us went down to check, and I remember we could see Gis painting the front of the train, and we could distinguish at least three other people. We went back up and decided what to do. Some of us wanted to paint anyways, others didn't want to. We had the brilliant idea of leaving an empty Ceres bottle with a rose in it.
Two of us went down to check, and I remember we could see Gis painting the front of the train, and we could distinguish at least three other people. We went back up and decided what to do. Some of us wanted to paint anyways, others didn't want to. We had the brilliant idea of leaving an empty Ceres bottle with a rose in it.
We ended up doing nothing. We waited.
That night TRV, NSA, ZTK, and PAC crews bombed the whole train from one end to the other.
After they had gone we went down into the tunnel, but a guy in uniform yelled at us and we had to get the hell out of there. I don't think we would've found any space to paint though. A nice insult to the subway company, but for us it was just a matter of timing. That night in particular, I got really close to painting on the B-line.
We decided to go back the following week, but things went differently. We spent countless minutes hiding, with cops looking for us with flashlights and guns drawn. They knew we were there, but were obviously waiting for somebody else.
I went often, at many different times, to the yard as well.
Basically I have never painted a subway train in rome. It's clear that for a graffiti writer it is a vocation, and also a pity not to see your letters running for the most part in the underground of your city. For now I'm happy to have written my name repeatedly on the ring-road that surrounds the city.
p.s. ...Some time after having written these words...
That night TRV, NSA, ZTK, and PAC crews bombed the whole train from one end to the other.
After they had gone we went down into the tunnel, but a guy in uniform yelled at us and we had to get the hell out of there. I don't think we would've found any space to paint though. A nice insult to the subway company, but for us it was just a matter of timing. That night in particular, I got really close to painting on the B-line.
We decided to go back the following week, but things went differently. We spent countless minutes hiding, with cops looking for us with flashlights and guns drawn. They knew we were there, but were obviously waiting for somebody else.
I went often, at many different times, to the yard as well.
Basically I have never painted a subway train in rome. It's clear that for a graffiti writer it is a vocation, and also a pity not to see your letters running for the most part in the underground of your city. For now I'm happy to have written my name repeatedly on the ring-road that surrounds the city.
p.s. ...Some time after having written these words...
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Jn ZTK and See HB throwups. Lido line. |
3 commenti:
bel bottino cazzo
i commenti pieni di infamità e doppiamente infami perchè anonimi non verranno pubblicati e recapitati. k.
Non siamo messaggeri o avvocati difensori, se voi di' qualcosa a qualcuno hanno inventato er telefono, qua spago non lo trovi, così stamo a perde tempo tutti e due. K
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