It was so damn long ago. 1994. Hell man, where did the time go? Where did the days go when I was travelling around using the so-called interrail ticket for international damage? Well, there is no room for too many nostalgic thoughts here. Facts are the thing, what the kids of today need to know.
Me the man called Fume moved around in 1994. It was the time when still not all the playgrounds were overrun by idiotic toys without respect. It was the time when the steel-trains in Germany had their best days already behind them and Amsterdam was more or less history in the books of Graff. Of course the urge to kill trains stayed within the real true writers and they, me included, were searching for places with a bit more fun than grey weather and unnecessary investigation by the police that didn´t really make your day. Gasp from Amsterdam called me one day and said that some New Yorker didn´t have the time to go to a jam in Rimini, Italy. Well, as I said being tired of the same routine every day I jumped on the train and went with him to Rimini instead of that NYC guy. It was our luck that Rimini was the last stop, because otherwise we would have missed it, after getting drunk on the train and sleeping into the day afterwards. The sun of Italy welcomed us and we had a day with a wonderful sunny hangover. When we arrived at the venue, we kept on drinking, but, hey, we painted, too. Actually we did some funky mural with a lot of other toys like Delta, Kraze, Sander, Mode2, Sharp, Shoe and whoever was in between, if there was one. I was so damn overwhelmed by the good vibes, that I started tagging on girls, not knowing that even in Italy this wasn´t really something the boyfriends liked to see. Somehow I tagged some Roman girls. The good thing was, the roman boyfriends weren´t that mafia like, they even laughed at me the white boy from the north. Stand said it wasn´t really a smart thing to do and joined for a beer. Everybody was drinking, smoking weed and painting. Just call it a good time. I thought it was the best time of my life, but what did I know. I didn´t know that girls weren´t the only moving thing I would bomb during my stay in Italy.
Me the man called Fume moved around in 1994. It was the time when still not all the playgrounds were overrun by idiotic toys without respect. It was the time when the steel-trains in Germany had their best days already behind them and Amsterdam was more or less history in the books of Graff. Of course the urge to kill trains stayed within the real true writers and they, me included, were searching for places with a bit more fun than grey weather and unnecessary investigation by the police that didn´t really make your day. Gasp from Amsterdam called me one day and said that some New Yorker didn´t have the time to go to a jam in Rimini, Italy. Well, as I said being tired of the same routine every day I jumped on the train and went with him to Rimini instead of that NYC guy. It was our luck that Rimini was the last stop, because otherwise we would have missed it, after getting drunk on the train and sleeping into the day afterwards. The sun of Italy welcomed us and we had a day with a wonderful sunny hangover. When we arrived at the venue, we kept on drinking, but, hey, we painted, too. Actually we did some funky mural with a lot of other toys like Delta, Kraze, Sander, Mode2, Sharp, Shoe and whoever was in between, if there was one. I was so damn overwhelmed by the good vibes, that I started tagging on girls, not knowing that even in Italy this wasn´t really something the boyfriends liked to see. Somehow I tagged some Roman girls. The good thing was, the roman boyfriends weren´t that mafia like, they even laughed at me the white boy from the north. Stand said it wasn´t really a smart thing to do and joined for a beer. Everybody was drinking, smoking weed and painting. Just call it a good time. I thought it was the best time of my life, but what did I know. I didn´t know that girls weren´t the only moving thing I would bomb during my stay in Italy.
Just like I said before, I had a train ticket in my pocket and nowhere to go, Stand asked me to come over to Rome to hit a few subways. Luckily I wasn´t too drunk to remember that invitation the other day and made my way to the capital of Italy aka the paradise of graff.
The evening I arrived the Romans asked me to jump on their scooters and grab my bag of paint before and go ahead. It was like a rush. The Romans showed me how much fun graffiti could be. Driving with the scooters up to the trains throwing the empty cans around was just one part. They were laughing at me already before when I was removing fingerprints from the cans and taking gloves and a mask with me. They even told me that I could get shot for wearing that mask. Well, I don´t have to mention I wasn´t wearing it that night. I don´t know how many pieces we did that first night, but it was great, driving around on scooters from one spot to another, not thinking of something like getting chased. We painted, that was it! We bombed the hell out of these wonderful cars.
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Fume MSN, Wist ETC, Was MT2, and Nol ETC. Lido line, 1994. |
The next day we were hanging in the station to catch flicks. It was great. The sun was shining and we were sweating. After taking flicks we went to have the best food in the world, prepared ourselves for more action and the show started again. Boy, did we have fun! Five days in a row we kept going every night. After that I went to Barcelona. Big mistake. After a few days in Spain I felt something like homesick, but I didn´t wanna go to Germany again, I felt that Rome was my new home, the place where I belonged. So, to make a long story short: I went back!
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Fume parked at the "Spaghetti" layup, Lido line, 1994. |
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Hest ETC, Fume MSN, Win MT2, Nol ETC, Wist ETC end to end on the B-line, 1994. "We're on the highest hill." |
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Heko and Bas pay homage to Fume with this special dedication, "Grand Master Fume." |
I went back several times after that first trip, but it never was the same again. Too many others heard about the new playground and soon it was a mess. Romans against disrespectful idiots from everywhere. I was glad to be in the position, that I made friends with the Roman guys and therefore my pieces ran for an unbelievably long time. One piece I did with Stand and Milk on the A-line even ran 10 years!
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End to end by Stand MT2, Fume MSN, and Latte (Milk TFP) painted in 1994, and photographed still running in 2004!!! |
Luckily I got to know the second generation of hardcore train-bombers in Rome after the first ones kind of retired. ZTK was the ultimate bombing-klan! They held it down for most of the times even until now they can be seen up on the surfaces, even since hitting the subs became more of the Art of War.
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Gast Jon Chico end to end painted in 1998. FE by Fume, JN, and Pim throwups over the windows painted in 1999. Lido line. |
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Fume Jon Ver end to end, Gast throwup over the windows. B-line, 2005. |
Rome is the only place after NYC that has had more than 20 years of painted Subways running. It is an honour to be part of that history and it is even more of an honour to have met the real core of writers of Rome, the guys I am still friends with. They will always stay in my heart, because thanks to them I realized how beautiful it is to go bombing without having this itch in your neck that comes with the unrelaxed north European attitude! Forza Italia or just call it bungabunga! Hahahaha!
Fume MSN
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"FE" throwups by Fume, "JN" throwups, red Ver tags, and Gast piece floating on the B-line, 2005. |
Come ho detto prima, avevo un biglietto del treno e non sapevo dove andare. Stand mi chiese di venire a Roma e colpire qualche metropolitana. Fortunatamente non ero così ubriaco da dimenticarmi dell' invito fatto qualche giorno prima, e mi feci strada verso la capitale dell'Italia aka il paradiso dei graffiti.La sera stessa in cui arrivai, i romani mi chiesero di saltare su di un motorino con la mia busta di spray e andare avanti. Era come una scarica d'adrenalina. I romani mi mostrarono quanto potessero essere divertenti i graffiti. Guidando col motorino fin quasi sotto al treno e tirarsi gli spray vuoti era solo una parte. Già mi stavano prendendo per il culo mentre pulivo le mie impronte digitali dagli spray, e portandomi dietro guanti e passamontagna. Mi dissero che indossando il passamontagna rischiavo di farmi sparare. Beh, inutile che vi dica che quella notte non la indossai. Non sò quanti pezzi dipingemmo quella prima notte, ma era fantastico, girare in motorino da uno spot all' altro, senza dover pensare necessariamente di essere inseguiti. Dipingemmo, tutto qua! Bombammo come pazzi quei bellissimi vagoni.
E il giorno dopo in stazione a fare le foto, era incredibile. Il sole brillava e noi sudavamo. E dopo aver fatto le foto andammo a mangiare il miglior cibo del mondo, poi ci preparammo per fare altre azioni, e lo show ricominciò nuovamente. Mio dio se ci siamo divertiti! Per cinque giorni di fila siamo andati ogni notte. Dopo di che andai a Barcellona. Grave sbaglio. Dopo qualche giorno in Spagna sentìi tipo nostalgia di casa, ma non volevo ancora tornare in Germania. Sentivo che Roma era diventata la mia nuova casa, il posto dove mi sentivo di appartenere. Quindi per farla breve, sono ritornato!
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Fume MSN, Wist ETC, Was MT2, Nol ETC. Linea lido, 1994. |
E il giorno dopo in stazione a fare le foto, era incredibile. Il sole brillava e noi sudavamo. E dopo aver fatto le foto andammo a mangiare il miglior cibo del mondo, poi ci preparammo per fare altre azioni, e lo show ricominciò nuovamente. Mio dio se ci siamo divertiti! Per cinque giorni di fila siamo andati ogni notte. Dopo di che andai a Barcellona. Grave sbaglio. Dopo qualche giorno in Spagna sentìi tipo nostalgia di casa, ma non volevo ancora tornare in Germania. Sentivo che Roma era diventata la mia nuova casa, il posto dove mi sentivo di appartenere. Quindi per farla breve, sono ritornato!
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Fume fermo al layup di "Spaghetti". Linea Lido, 1994. |
Mi si presentarono altri cinque giorni di gloria. Io ed i miei nuovi amici bombavamo e ci divertivamo da matti. Anzi credo di essere stato anche abbastanza benvenuto, perchè dopo che me ne andai, ebbi una notevole influenza sulla dimensione dei pezzi dei romani. I romani fino ad allora avevano dipinto pezzi della dimensione di uno o due finestrini al massimo. Io ero abituato a svuotare gli spray, e dipingevo sempre grande, il che significava almeno quattro finestrini e forse una porta. Beh, ammetto che anche io ho dipinto dei pezzi di un finestrino, ma solo perche la vernice si stava esaurendo gli ultimi giorni e tutti i soldi li spendevamo in birra e ottimo cibo.
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Hest ETC, Fume MSN, Win MT2, Wist ETC. Linea B, 1994. |
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Heko e Bas ETC rendono omaggio a Fume per la sua importante influenza sulla giovane scena romana con questa dedica speciale, "Grand Master Fume." Linea B, 1995. |
Sono ritornato varie volte dopo quel primo viaggio, ma non è mai stata la stessa cosa. Molti altri avevano sentito parlare di questo nuovo campo da gioco e ben presto diventò un casino. Erano i romani contro idioti senza rispetto provenienti da ovunque. Sono lieto di essere nella posizione di aver fatto amicizia coi romani e quindi i miei pezzi viaggiarono per un tempo inaspettatamente lungo. Un pezzo che ho dipinto insieme a Milk sulla linea A ha viaggiato per dieci anni!
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Vagone di Stand MT2, Fume MSN, e Latte (Milk TFP) dipinto nel 1994, e fotografato nel 2004 che ancora girava!!! |
Fortunatamente ebbi la fortuna di conoscere la seconda generazione di bombers romani hardcore dopo che la prima generazione andò più o meno in pensione. I ZTK erano il klan di bombers per eccellenza! Hanno tenuto duro per molto tempo, e ancora oggi è possibile vederli sulle superfici, anche dopo che colpire le metro divenne come l'arte della guerra.
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End to end colorato Gast Jon Chico dipinto nel 1998, e throwup FE di Fume, JN, Pim dipinti sui finestrini nel 1999. Linea Lido. |
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End to End Fume Jon Ver, throwup Gast sui vetri. Linea B, 2005. |
Roma è l'unico posto dopo New York City che ha avuto una storia di un sistema metro che ha girato dipinto per 20 anni. E' un onore per me far parte della storia di questa città, ed è ancor più un onore per me aver conosciuto i veri writer hardcore di Roma, con cui sono ancora amico. Rimarranno sempre nel mio cuore, perchè tramite loro ho imparato quanto può essere divertente andare a bombare senza quella paranoia e non-rilassatezza tipici dell'atteggiamento nord europeo! Forza Italia o meglio forza bungabunga! Ahahahahaha!
Fume MSN
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Throwup "FE" di Fume, "JN", tag rossi di Ver, e Gast galleggiante. Linea B, 2005. |
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